Monthly Rates & Tuition Costs 2021-2022

At Reflection, our hope is always to keep our classes affordable and accessible so that no child misses the opportunity to dance due to finances.

That being said, COVID-19 has taken a toll on us as registration has understandably been lower. We anticipate that if this remains the case for our 2021-2022 season, our tuition rates may have to increase very slightly per month so that Reflection can continue to operate and thrive. It would not be a tremendous difference, but if needed would make all the difference in keeping RDS operating this coming season. Our hope and prayer is that we are able to keep tuition where it is, but we want to make sure that you are aware of this potential increase as you are registering.


30 min. weekly …………………………….……………….. $24.75

45 min. weekly ………………………………………………. $37.15

1 hr. weekly …………………………………………………….…. $49.50

1.25 hr. weekly ……………………………..…………………….. $61.87

1.5 hr. weekly ……………………………..…………………….. $74.25


Private Lesson (30 min. weekly) ……...…………………….. $20/week



Our Bursary Program is a donation-based program for students and families that need financial assistance in covering the cost of tuition. Through the generous donations we have received, hundreds of students have been able to take classes with Reflection. This is a huge part of our ministry and is at the heart of the Reflection’s mission.

Over the years, our silent auction at our year-end show has been a huge source of donations, covering the majority of our bursaries for the upcoming year. However, due to Covid-19, our year-end show was cancelled and there was no opportunity to recoup the typical donations acquired at that event. Because of this, we are more in need of donations than ever before. As we plan for a year where our classes might not look the same as years previous, our hope is still that no child is left behind because of finances.

We humbly ask you to consider making a donation to Reflection today… any amount is a blessing.
